intellectual adj. 1.智力的,理智的。 2.用脑筋的,需智力的。 3.理性的,凭理智行事的,打动别人理智的。 the intellectual powers [faculties] 智能。 an intellectual process 理智作用。 the intellectual class 知识分子阶层。 intellectual employments [pursuits] 脑力工作。 n. 知识分子。 highly qualified intellectuals 高级知识分子。 n. -ism 智力活动;【哲学】唯理智论。 n. -ist 过分强调智力活动的人;唯理智论者。 adv. -ly
He likes to set himself up as an intellectual . 他喜欢自命为知识分子。
Newton was an intellectual giant . 牛顿是一个智力巨人。
No spark had yet kindled in him an intellectual passion . 还没有火花点燃他身上的求知欲。
But beauty, real beauty, ends where an intellectual expression begins . 可是颖慧的表达跟美、真正的美是不相容的。
Customarily, he began the day in tokyo with an intellectual feast . 在东京,他通常以精神会餐来开始自己一天的生活。
My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness . 我在一霎那间所得的印象,是一个非常精明的知识分子的面孔。
As an intellectual goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in munich . 戈培尔是个知识分子,看不起慕尼黑领导层不学无术的市侩庸人。
Not many people described her as a social snob, but there are few who deny she is an intellectual snob . 没有多少人说她是社会上的势利眼,但是,很少有人否认她在智力上总显得盛气凌人。
My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness, but i had no opportunity to verify this for several days . 我在一霎那间所得的印象,是一个非常精明的知识分子的面孔,可是在好几天里,我总没有证实这一点的机会。